Pre-Procedural Rinse
The Rinse of Champions will be offered to you pre-packaged before your procedure as another layer infection control. This prescription anti-viral/anti-microbial mouth rinse is made with Chlorhexidine Gluconate. By “swishing” with this rinse before your appointment begins, it will help eliminate the amount of bacteria that can get into the air. Research has shown that Chlorhexidine rinse, which are rinses containing CPC (Cetylpyridinium Chloride), are very effective at reducing bacteria. Chlorhexidine rinse has been the go-to in dental offices for years.
A Pre-Procedural Rinse is exactly what it sounds like; a mouth rinse used before a procedure. In 2003, the CDC described Pre-Procedural mouth rinses as antimicrobial mouth rinses used by patients before a dental procedure. The point and purpose of this rinse are to reduce the number of microorganisms that a patient might release in the form of aerosols and splatter that can contaminate the dental health care professional or patient. As a patient, when you swish with a mouth rinse, you dramatically lower the number of bacteria in your mouth, and that lowers the amount of bacteria that can get into the air or into your bloodstream during dental procedures.